PLEASE NOTE: Wild Whiskers Tauranga have now closed our doors to new arrivals.
While we focus on finding homes for those already in care, the charity will continue to provide advice and resources with regard to trapping and/or desexing of true stray and wild cats within Tauranga.


Wild Whiskers Tauranga hire out humane cat trap cages for only $5 per cage per day.  

WWT requires a refundable cash deposit of $40 per trap, which is returned to you when the cage/s are returned, on the day agreed in the same condition they were hired out.

WWT may also be able to help with desexing costs if you have multiple wild cats on your private property.

Before attempting to trap please ensure the cat/s are in fact stray and don’t belong to anyone.  To find out more, click here (link to stray page


Will you trap for us?
WWT just doesn’t have the time, resources or volunteers to come out and trap on your behalf.  However, we are happy to provide you with any equipment and/or support you may require.  

Will you take the cat/s once trapped?
If it is a kitten 8 weeks old or younger, possibly, it will all depend on if we have a foster home available, so this needs to be organised before trapping. The way to easily determine age is by the colour of their eyes as all kittens are born with blue eyes but they begin to change colour around 6-7 weeks old.

What can I do if I trap a kitten/cat over 8 weeks old?
There are 2 options; either TNR (Trap, Neuter, Return) or TED (Trap, Euthanise, Dispose)  

You will need to organise what is happening with the cat/s before you start trapping.

Can WWT help towards the cost of TNR or TED?
Unfortunately WWT just doesn’t have the funds to cover all costs.  However, we may be able to assist towards the cost at the vet we use in Gate Pa.  Alternatively, if you have a community services or gold card, the SPCA may be able to help with a spey voucher for females.

Do you hire out cages?
Wild Whiskers Tauranga hire out humane cat trap cages for only $5 per cage per day.  
We require a refundable deposit of $40, which is returned when the cage/s are returned in the same condition they were hired out.

What do I need to do before I trap?
Before attempting to trap please ensure the cat/s are in fact stray or wild and don’t belong to anyone.  You can do this by posting to social media, attaching a ‘found cat’ collar (if able to), asking neighbours, mailbox flyer drop, contacting the SPCA and local vet clinics.

When is the best time to trap?
WWT recommends you trap in the evening when the cat/s are more likely to be about.  However, it is best to feed the cat/s at the same place at the same time so you have more chance of trapping.

How do I go about trapping?
Plan to set the trap/s and catch the cat/s on the day before the clinic appointment.  Do not set any traps or practice trapping the cats days beforehand.  Place stinky food (such as tuna or sardines) on a small plastic dish at the far end of the trap so the cat/s have to go all the way in.

How do I set the trap?
Latch cat trap door securely by placing the hasp over the piece of metal the latch goes through. Once the hasp is in place, put the latch through the metal piece and make sure it is closed. 

What do I do once I’ve trapped the cat/s?
Prepare the area where you will be holding the cats before and after the vet.  A garage, laundry, bathroom or other sheltered, warm, protected area is best. Lay down plastic sheeting or a tarp, covered with newspapers to absorb any mess.  Your vehicle should also be prepared the same way.

When should I release the cat/s after desexing?
The cat/s will spend the night in the traps as they will still be groggy from their anaesthetic so will need to be released the next day in the same area where they were trapped.  Turn the latched door away from you, unclip & remove it and let the cat run out.

Before Trapping

Before trying to trap you must first establish what will be done with the cats once caught.  


Equipment/Supplies Needed

  • Trap cat cage/s
  • Towels &/or Sheets
  • Plastic &/or Tarps
  • Small shallow plastic dishes
  • Smelly food such as tuna or sardines


Before You Begin

  • The first step is to get the cat/s used to being fed at the same place and time of day. Early morning or at dusk are the best times for trapping, but the cats will learn to come at whatever meal time you set for them. 
  • Plan to set the trap/s and catch the cat/s on the day before the clinic appointment.
  • Do not set any traps or practice trapping the cats days before the scheduled appointment. It is much harder to trap cats a second time. 
  • Prepare the area where you will be holding the cats before and after the clinic. A garage, laundry room, bathroom or other sheltered, warm, protected area is best. Lay down plastic sheeting or a tarp, covered with newspapers to absorb any mess. 


Setting the Traps

  • On trapping day, set the traps just before the cats’ normal feeding time. If trapping in a public area, try to place the traps where they will not be noticed by a passerby who may not understand what you are doing.
  • Latch cat trap door securely, place the hasp (oblong metal piece which is on the bottom of the trap door opening) over the piece of metal the latch goes through. Once the hasp is in place, put the latch through the metal piece and make sure it is closed.
  • Bait the traps with the cats’ food on the far end of the trap away from the trap door.  Be sure that the food is behind the trip plate and not on it.  Only use enough food for a small meal.
  • The hook holds the door in an open position which also raises the trip plate. When a cat steps on the plate, it will cause the hook to release the door and close the trap.
  • Cover traps, leaving both ends uncovered and set them in the area where the cats eat.
  • Traps should be covered either with foliage from the area or with a sheet or other piece of fabric. 
  • Make sure the traps are on solid, level ground. If necessary, use a towel under the traps to make sure they don’t wobble.

Waiting for Success

  • If possible, wait quietly where you can still see the traps without disturbing the cats.
  • Once the cat is trapped, cover the trap completely and remove it from the area. 
  • On most traps there is a handle for the trap door and a handle for the cage.  When carrying the trap always use the handle on top of the trap. Do not use the handle for the door in case it is not latched properly.
  • Once you get the captured cat to a quiet area away from other traps, lift the cover and make sure you haven’t trapped a pet or previously neutered feral or a wild animal. 

After Trapping

Trip to the vet

  • Please ensure your vet appointment is booked in advance. If you are required to transfer a cat/trap to the vet, please be at the vet at the time advised.
  • Go into the vet clinic to advise reception of your arrival, before taking in traps.
  • If in for TNR, Male cats will have no sutures and females will have absorbable sutures.

TNR – Recovery

  • When you pick up the cats from the clinic, they will still be groggy from their anaesthesia.
  • The cats should spend the night in the traps or carry cages to recover, in the area you have prepared for them and be released the next day.
  •  If this is not possible, the cats need to be released as late as possible the same day, this is to give them a chance to recover from the anaesthetic.

TNR – Returning the Cats

  • Do not relocate the cat to an area where they were not trapped. 
  • Turn the latched door away from you, unclip & remove it and let the cat run out.
  • If a cat does not go out immediately, walk away from the trap and watch from a distance until the cat leaves the trap.

Cleaning and Return of Traps

  • Return the trap by the date specified.
  • Remove and discard all stickers, tape and newspaper.
  • Use warm, soapy water and a scrub brush to remove all remaining debris. Rinse thoroughly several times with clean water.
  • Do NOT use bleach; it is damaging to the trap and the residue is dangerous for cats. 
  • If you paid a deposit it will be returned to you once the trap is returned clean and undamaged.